CueSee® Compare

CueSee® Compare is a simple way to review your quality control data with peers by use of statistical and graphical presentations and it is FREE for all Eurotrol customers!


CueSee Compare is unique in that it is customizable so you can build it to best meet the needs of all who have a role in your Point of Care quality control program. Utilize the Workgroups to assign users, define their roles and add your instruments specific to the areas where they are in use. Next, choose to enter your data either by manual or import mode. Once your quality control data is entered and verified you have access to multiple report options such as: Levey-Jennings, Peer data, Linearity, Instrument to Instrument and more. Need a different report or options for a current one? Contact your Product Specialist and we will work to get you what you need!


Whether you are responsible for daily quality control testing, a POCC, lab manager or director, or a consultant you will find that CueSee Compare is the perfect companion to our CueSee controls and together they help meet all your Point of Care quality control testing needs.